What Is Counselling?

Counselling is a professional relationship between 2 or more people.

Counselling can take place between a therapist and client/s or in a counselling group situation.

Both forms are effective. It just depends if you feel comfortable speaking one-to-one with a therapist or if you prefer the attention is not completely upon you, so within a group. Also counselling can take place between a therapist and a couple or therapist and family/friends, depending on the problem.

Counselling involves listening to a person, empathising with them and making them feel understood and respected.

I find that Counsellors can counsel using different techniques to help their clients.

I find that listening to a person is not enough- I find that offering suggestions, new ideas, inspiring ideas is essential.

It is unfortunate that with so many counsellors available, so many Australians feel alone and depressed.

It’s almost as if they feel they won’t be understood or will be made to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

I’ve heard so many people speak against counsellors/psychologists- ‘they just did not understand or help me.’

I’ve been on the other side of the chair too, as a patient and I understand completely.

This is why it is important to call a Counsellor first, have a chat on the phone, see if you resonate and feel comfortable with the therapist’s voice and energy and then decide if you want to go ahead with an appointment.

You should never feel forced to see a counsellor or feel obligated to do so.

To me, speaking to a counsellor should feel like speaking to someone you feel absolutely comfortable with and trust that your words and situation are understood and respected.

I have the innate and professional ability to ‘read’ a person and understand and ‘feel’ the depth of their problems/issues.

So I can immediately understand what it is the client is trying to convey to me, making it easier for me to help guide them onto a more positive path.

If you wish to enquire about a Counselling session, please click here 

Chat soon, Paris