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Astrology-loving MP David Tredinnick ‘convinced’ practise can reduce strain on NHS

While many people glance at their horoscope in the newspaper as a form of entertainment, a Conservative MP has suggested that astrology has a role in medicine.

MP for Bosworth, David Tredinnick, who is a member of the health committee and the science and technology committee, said he was not deterred by his critics whom he labelled “bullies”.

“There is no logic in attacking something that has a proven track record,” he told BBC News.

In an interview with the broadcaster, Mr Tredinnick said herbal remedies and healing were now becoming accepted in parts of the NHS, and he now wanted to promote astrology, which he claimed was not just about predicting the future, but gaining an understanding of personal problems.


Happy Valentines Day to all the Companion Birds of the World!